What is currently going on in PB Durham?
Find out more here: https://www.pbdurham.org/cycle_3
Residents are encouraged to follow PB Durham on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for the latest information. For questions and/or comments residents can send an email to PB Durham staff, or call (919) 560-4111, ext. 20290.
What happened my idea that I submitted?
We use three criteria to determine which projects should be on the voting ballot: equity, feasibility, and impact.
Many projects that do not make it to the ballot are too expensive, do not impact marginalized or disenfranchised groups, or may have a limited impact compared to other projects. Others are not selected because they are already on schedule to be completed by the City of Durham. Nonetheless, idea submissions still inform much of the work of other city departments. If a lot of people are requesting sidewalks to be fixed in a certain neighborhood, we take that into consideration in future plans!
We track every idea that has been submitted.
For Cycle I (2018) you can view your idea on our digital portal.
For Cycle III (2023) we will be publishing more information in Spring 2024.
What are the limitations of PB?
While PB is a useful tool for increasing participatory democracy, it is not meant to replace representative democracy.
The City of Durham works hard to provide basic services such as wastewater treatment and trash collection. In addition, the city has a number of initiatives meant to increase community engagement and involvement in city policies, such as their ENGAGE Comprehensive Plan Engagement, as well as equity-focused programs such as their Green and Equitable Infrastructure Project Planning and YouthWorks programs.
PB helps the City of Durham understand what residents want in their communities, but it does not replace or take funds from the general services that the city provides to keep Durham running.
What are examples of selected projects?
To look at our list of winning projects, check out PB Cycle 1 Selected Projects and PB Cycle 2 Selected Projects.
What are examples of ineligible projects?
All submitted ideas are evaluated based on feasibility, impact, and equity. One example of an ineligible project might be a sidewalk on a road maintained by the state (outside the City's Control). Another might be a new city pool (too expensive), or a new playground in a neighborhood that already has several playgrounds (low impact and low equity).
For more details, check out our Evaluation Matrix that we used in PB Cycle 1 to score projects.
Where can I find the current status of project implementation?
Check out our Project Implementation Tab. This site is routinely updated.
How can I get involved?
PB is focused on engaging and empowering community members to get involved in city government! Check out our Get Involved Tab to see how you can contribute.
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